Motivating teachers and students in the world of music

Discipline, Determination, and Dedication

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In order to survive and possibly thrive in music, you will need to rely upon your “intestinal fortitude” as the great Vince Lombardi once said to his Green Bay Packers football team.

The field of music, be it performance, teaching, recording, retail, etc., is NOT for the faint of heart. You need to dig down deep within yourself in order to remain creative, progressive and to survive financially.

Discipline, determination and dedication will decide your fate, motivational music themed posters for music teachers and classroomsDiscipline, Determination and Dedication Determines Your Fate

This poster, sold by J. W. Pepper helps all Musician’s remain inspired within their craft, to be realistic and to hopefully maintain a career within music if that is your core desire “in life.” 

At some point in time, our THREE D’S poster may be timely for you or a student you know? It is not only a message for music, but for life and would be appropriate in any classroom or study hall.

It ultimately comes down to YOU and what you have within yourself to make the DAILY COMMITMENT to forge onward and upward in life. 

Author: 3 Quarters Images

Passionate about many things including photography, design, family, cooking, friends, and social media. Depending on the day, the order might change, or I might combine one or two. I am the Mother of two Marines, and as my husband says I can get very passionate about a subject. He likes to say "Who stuck a quarter in you and wound you up?" Most people can only take three quarters of my passion in one day. Hence my slogan "3 Quarters Today"

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